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Creating Memorable Experiences for Multifamily Residents

memorable experiences for multifamily residents
Boost retention by creating memorable experiences for multifamily residents  In today’s competitive multifamily market, residents want more than a place to live. They crave a sense of community and convenience, and they want to feel valued. Creating memorable experiences for multifamily residents can turn renters into loyal community members. Understanding the power of experience Think […]

Supporting the Solo Renter

solo renter
How to appeal to the solo renter  The solo renter category recently took the lead as the fastest-growing segment of renters nationwide. Property managers can meet the needs of this multifamily resident group in a number of ways.  Understanding who lives alone According to the data, 5.3 million baby boomers, 4.8 million millennials and 3.5 […]

Making Life Easy for Multifamily Residents

multifamily residents ease
How to create loyalty among multifamily residents  At the end of a crazy day or week, what do you want most? Rest, peace and quiet, friends, family or good food, right? (Ok, and maybe an occasional double shot.) Well, so do your multifamily residents. How you meet the needs of the stressed out humans in […]

The Indoor/Outdoor Apartment Resident

indoor outdoor apartment resident
How to attract an apartment resident with indoor/outdoor living In the era of remote work, people spend more time at home than ever. Providing indoor and outdoor lifestyle amenities will help meet changing apartment resident needs.  Lifestyle questions How do your residents relate to space in your community? Do many of them work from home […]

Connect with Multifamily Residents Using Brain-based Research

connect with multifamily residents using emotion
Design and communication can create trust as you connect with multifamily residents Property managers and leasing agents, step away from the spreadsheets and data sets for a moment. As you try to connect with multifamily residents, you need some awareness about what they really want and need – and that goes way beyond most data […]

What Makes Your Multifamily Property Unique?

multifamily property unique
Creating a unique brand for your multifamily property If you don’t know what makes your multifamily property special, then you will never have a standout brand. And creating a brand that helps you stand apart from the competition makes the rest of your life easier as a property manager.  Standout brand vs. bland Think back […]

How to Think Like a Renter

think like a renter
How multifamily property managers can think like a renter As a property manager, it’s easy to get caught up in vacancy rates, rent cycles and spreadsheets as measures of business success. While you might feel tempted to gloss over the human part of the equation, when you think like a renter, you can uncover the […]

Creating a Multifamily Concierge Concept

multifamily concierge concept
How multifamily concierge services appeal to renters You want to feel like a VIP in your own life, right? We all do, and so do your multifamily residents. That means creating a feeling of belonging and ease that goes well beyond the latest physical amenities. Creating a multifamily concierge concept can deliver that something extra […]

Telling a Compelling Multifamily Brand Story

multifamily brand story
How the right multifamily brand story resonates with renters The start of a new year marks a great time to reflect and review on your organization’s goals and impact. For apartment managers, creating a new multifamily brand story in 2023 can help you better engage with your target renters. At its heart, brand storytelling seeks […]