9 Signs That It’s Time for an Apartment Community Rebrand


Investing in an apartment community rebrand to reach new renters

While an apartment community rebrand doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul of your brand, investing in a fresh look and new messaging can help you reach a broader audience. 

Quite simply, things have changed a lot in the world since 2020. We work differently, we play differently and we live differently. Apartment communities that have kept up with those changes are thriving because they meet residents’ modern needs. 

Not sure where your apartment community stacks up? Look for these signs that you’re ready for a rebrand: 

  1. Crickets.

    Not the insect (if you have those, you need more than a rebrand, my friend), but the silence. If your email inbox sits empty and the phone stays silent more days than not, you have a problem. Every apartment community needs buzz (again, not of the critter kind) and a rebrand can help spark the conversation for a new group of potential renters.

  2. Lackluster Images.

    If you struggle with what to post on social media and cringe when you look at your website, it’s a sure bet you need better photos. You need images that tell your brand story in seconds and invite people into the lifestyle your community offers.

  3. There’s a New Girl in Town.

    If you have a new build on the block, nobody will look your way until you put in a little effort. Brand new apartment communities also have fresh branding, and a rebrand will help you compete and stand out.

  4. Everyone’s Heard that Story, Uncle Larry.

    Your brand tells a story, whether you like it or not. Is your story tired and overdone? A rebrand will give you new material to wow your audience.

  5. I Give It Two Stars.

    Do you have one too many bad reviews? You likely need more than a new logo or marketing strategy, but investing energy into your resident experience will pay off ten-fold. Remember that happy residents will carry your brand story for you, and they represent your best referral potential. 

  6. Too Much Fine Print.

    We’re designers, so we love brochures and marketing books. However, if you have not invested in any digital marketing strategies, you’re missing a huge portion of the market. At least four in five renters search online first, so be ready with a great website, interactive digital flipbooks, virtual tours and more. 

  7. Floorplan Schmoorplan.

    Please tell us that your branding and marketing leads with lifestyle first and that you save the floorplans for later? Please.

  8. Forgot the Amenities?

    Have you upgraded your units or community spaces? Have you added amenities or new services? If you have, but haven’t shouted it from the rooftops, you need to rebrand. Get that story out there.

  9. Your Neighborhood’s Cool Now.

    Did the neighborhood suddenly one-up you with its awesome new restaurants and art galleries? Use it to your advantage and brand the heck out of that awesomeness.

Some multifamily communities might need to consider redecoration and renovation in addition to a rebrand. Others might need to take a hard look at their amenities and resident experience programs. 

Renters in 2022 want pet-friendly communities, green spaces, technology that supports working from home, great neighbors and more. If you have done the work to help deliver what renters want, then it’s time to update your brand. 

Want to learn more about multifamily rebranding? Reach out to us to start the conversation about a successful rebrand for your apartment community.

Posted By

Sara Bess